Find the Sugar

....make lemonade.  This website is about finding the sugar!  There is this cute flair on Facebook that says "Unless life also hands you sugar and water, your lemonade's gonna suck" is funny and true, even though I don't particularly care for that last word.  My life hasn't turned out the way I thought it would.  For a while I felt sorry for myself, depressed, even thought of taking my own life.....but then something happened, I realized that life isn't about what I thought it was.  God doesn't care if I own a house, make great money, go on vacation, drive a car, or even if I have nice clothes.  God only asks that I know, love, and serve Him.  He will give me today exactly what I NEED, not what I want.  How empowered I felt!  Realizing that I don't need all the things I thought I did to be happy.  This site is about exploring that concept and sharing with others my journey and thoughts.  Hopefully together we can find some sugar!

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