Find the Sugar


Today's Sugar - June 8, 2010

What is important?  In the big picture what really does matter?  How much time do we waste every day on things that don't matter?  

Turn off the computer, turn off the tv and spend time doing something fun, something without electronics.  Enjoy a walk, play a game (NOT electronic) with your child or spouse, watch a bird, or just simply be.

How many of our lemons come from things that don't really matter?  How much stress do we put ourselves through that isn't needed?

Today spend time doing simple things!  Find the sugar that God has provided!

Today's Sugar June 7, 2010

Today started out so sad.  Our beloved bunny passed away this morning, without any apparent reason.  I cried, my children cried.  Then this afternoon we found out that a beloved family friend is in IUC.  Our hearts have really hurt today.  Some how through all the sadness, I was able to find some moments of sugar this evening.  Sitting in the beautiful breeze, watching my younger daughter ride her bike, nothing could be as sweet or as simple as that moment.  Find some small moment in your crazy day and enjoy it for exactly what it is....a sweet moment!

Today's Sugar May 5, 2010

Shame on me!  I didn't post yesterday.  I'm not sure where time goes some days.  Today was a very good day.  I was up at 5:30 this morning and went to work at 6:30.  Worked all morning and then enjoyed an afternoon with my daughter.  Some days are just full of sugar!  Enjoy the times when you have no lemons!  

Today's Sugar - June 3, 2010

I can't believe it is June.  Time seems to go on moving quickly no matter happens in our lives.  When things go wrong, do you ever find yourself thinking "how can the world keep going when this is happening"....well people are born, people die, time marches on.  No matter what we are experiencing the world around us will keep right on moving.  At any given moment, there is something horrible happening, something wonderful, something sad, something to rejoice this very moment someone is coming into the world and a great celebration has started and someone is leaving this world, while the tears of their love ones fall.  

Today pause for a moment and pray for others and their struggles.

Today's Sugar - May 31, 2010

Perception changes everything.  If Jane Austen were alive today, would she consider her life hard?  Many of us believe we have a hard life, but when we look at how much we have, is it really hard or do we just perceive it that way?  Jane Austen couldn't choose a husband for love and she choose not to marry for money.  She had to work hard and didn't have any modern conveniences.  If she was hungry she couldn't just go to the drive through, pop something into the microwave, or stop by the store to pick up a large supply of food.  I have romantic thoughts of that era, but it is more created than actuality.  When Jane was "bored" she could go for a walk, maybe enjoy a dinner invitation, or when the event arised she could go to a ball.  She couldn't turn on a tv, call a friend, play games on the internet.  We have so much today, maybe too much.  It is hard to figure out what is important and what really isn't.  In 200 years will people look back and question how we lived the way we did.  How we survived with whatever they have newly discovered.  I can't imagine any further advancement in technology, but I'm sure Jane couldn't either, at least not to the extent that it has come.  Has depression advanced with technology?  Or is depression transcend time?  Does having more options bring us happiness or add to our struggles?  Do we expect to much out of our lives today and forget to appreciate all the little blessings we have?  When you wash a dish in the sink, do you realize how much easier it is now verses 100 years ago, or do you only think of how easier your life would be if someone else washed the dishes?  Do you cherish each moment with your children, spouse, or other family and friends and realize that 100 years ago their lives could have ended abruptly because life saving drugs weren't available?  It is so easy to get caught up in the "problems" of today, some are real and some we create in our minds.  Some struggles we can let go of, give away and move on.  They will be forgotten in the years to come, so why they are allowed to steal our precious moments now, I don't know.  Life for today, love for today, rejoice for today.  Whatever cross we may carry, God is helping us carry it.  Our burdens can be given to Him and we can rejoice!  Give all your lemons to God and allow Him to give you your lemonade!

Today's Sugar - May 30, 2010

Peace.  How simple it sounds, how hard to find.  Peace is when all is quiet and you can simply exist.  Peace is where we really find God, where we can simply exist with Him.  Everyday we should work to find moments of peace to be with God.  God is our Sugar, He can make any lemon into lemonade.  Enjoy your Sunday and find Sugar with God!

Today's Sugar - May 29, 2010

Oh how easy it is to complain.  I'm still thinking today about the events of yesterday.  I don't like to "burden" anyone else with my problems, yet I can't seem to keep them to myself.  Why is that?  Does it validate my problems to have someone else hear them?  There is no reason for me to continue to "vent" when my goal is to be happy.  If looking at a painting makes you sad and you don't want to feel that way you get rid of the painting.  But that is a material item and far easier to do away with than your own mouth. 

So I guess my goals for today are the same as yesterday....STOP complaining!  Find joy in every moment of my life and stop dewelling on things that can't be changed with complaining. 

Several hours ago before the moon came up my children and I were outside playing with remote control cars.  It took some hunting to find them and they were covered in dust, but with some fresh batteries off they went!  We all were outside enjoying the evening weather.  Just laughing and having a good time with the cars.  So simple, so peaceful and the moments God wants us to treasure.  God didn't care if the dishes were done, or if I made all the sales I possibly could today.  He didn't care if my children's feet were dirty from walking bare foot all over the yard.  He only cared that in that moment we were loving others as He loves us.  Find those simple moments and enjoy the sugar they bring.  Your days will be filled with lemons, but work to make the most of them!

Today's Sugar May 28, 2010

Shame on me.  I didn't add a sugar for Thursday.  Thursday was a long hard day.  I realized some things about me that I don't like.  I complain.  The goal of finding the sugar is to move away from the lemons and enjoy the lemonade, but if I continue to complain about the lemons am I really enjoying the lemonade?  I don't think I am.  I'm disappointed in myself and for making the hearts of my friends heavy (someone said that what I told her made her heart heavy).  How to change?  I'm not sure yet.  There must be a way, I know there is a way!

The plan for Friday is to focus on the positive and nothing else.  The lemons are there, God knows all of our lemons, we don't need to share our lemons, or as my mother would say "don't air your dirty lemons (well my mother actually says laundry) in public".  Find the sugar, share the sugar, and focus on the sugar!

Today's Sugar - May 26, 2010

I am celebrating my daughter's birthday today, so my sugar is my family!  So please go to the "Today's Sugar" page and enjoy some of the previous topics and check back tomorrow for a new Sugar here!

Enjoy your lemonade!

Today's Sugar - May 25, 2010

Do you sometimes feel that you don't measure up, like your best isn't good enough?  Right now I'm right in the middle of feeling like the biggest failure in every aspect of my life.  I'm slowly inching my way to the edge of the middle and hopefully soon out of this feeling.  

First it was with my children's education, then my job, and now my marriage (there are other smaller things too).  I work hard, I try and it never seems to be enough.  But what is enough, how hard do we need to work, what really matters?  These are questions we need to ask ourselves and decide what we can accept.

I work a commission job and no matter how many appointments I go on, no matter how many sales I have, I still feel like a failure when I don't make a sale.  I feel like I'm spending more on gas than I am earning.  It brings me deep feelings of failure, like I'm not good enough.  At the end of the day does it matter?  Does God see me trying and failing or does He simply see me?  If I am giving 110% what more can I give?  My job doesn't define me and at the end of the day it isn't what matters.  People questions "Why does God allow this to happen?"  At the end of the day God doesn't care how much you make, what kind of car you drive, what job you have, what your children's grades are, or if your hubby took out the trash.  At the end of the day He only cares that you love Him and love your neighbors and be the best child of God you can be.  

Find peace and sugar in the knowledge that God loves you no matter what!  He believes you are a success because you were made in His image and God only creates successes!

Today's Sugar - May 24, 2010

Clutter....many of us have it, none of us want it!  It has taken me years, literally, to fully realize that there is a connection between clutter and happiness.  We are often told that "things" will bring us happiness, but the opposite it true.  Being clutter free will bring us daily joy and peace.  How often do you spend time moving clutter from one place to another instead of spending that time enjoying your day?  How often do you rush to stuff things in a closet because company is coming over?  Do you know what it is like to answer the door and welcome someone in without worrying about clutter?  Life should be about enjoying the people around you and if you spend all your time dealing with clutter you are missing out.  A great read is "It's all too much" by Peter Walsh.  For more of my thoughts on this subject, please visit my blog using the link above.

Today's Sugar - May 23, 2010

One hour a week.  Doesn't sound like too much, but for so many, myself included, I give into leisurely Sunday mornings and don't rush to leave the bed.  So I sadly miss church.  But what is one hour, one hour a week to thank God for the other 167 hours a week He gives me.  I always feel at peace when I'm at church, so why do I come up with reasons not to be there?  I'm not sure I have an answer, at least not a good answer.  

Enjoy this beautiful Sunday sent from above!  Enjoy this day for exactly what it is, another day to breathe, to grow, to enjoy.  Tomorrow isn't here and yesterday is gone, work to appreciate each moment.  I find that very hard to do, enjoy each moment.  Today I will make each moment count!  Make your moments count too!  Add the peace of church or prayer to your lemons today!  And enjoy your lemonade!

Today's Sugar - May 22, 2010

Well it took some time and clearing of my mind, but I found my sugar.  "Be not afraid, I go before you always, come follow Me and I will give you rest".  Inspiration and guidance can strike at any time, are you ready to hear and accept it?  There are forces that will make it hard for you to hear and accept.  As I was typing this the first time, the computer closed the window....this is a Mac and has never had an error before, but sure enough it had one tonight.  Then as I sat here seconds ago typing it again, I started to chock.  I still have a small piece stuck in my throat.  Ok now where was I.....oh yes my sugar for today.  I'm up late making cupcakes for my daughter's birthday party tomorrow, my older daughter came into the room and asked why the light in the room was flickering.  I said "do not be afraid" and the rest just came to me.  It is a song that I know very well and sang often growing up.  I still singing it in church, but not as often as I would like.  It is a calming song, it brings peaceful thoughts.  Today's sugar is to look for peace in the every day simply the light flickering to let you know that you aren't alone, that someOne is always there with you.  Now put that sugar with your lemons of the day and enjoy your lemonade!

Today's Sugar - May 21, 2010

I never really gave it much thought when people would tell me to enjoy each day.  In the last two days thoughts have entered my mind and I now understand.  Everyday I waste time, lots of it, on the internet, playing games on that networking site and checking countless blogs.  Why?  Why do I waste time?  What am I hiding from?  There is nothing wrong with having fun, but why play games online when there are people everywhere to play games with?  If you have children play with them, a spouse, play with him or her, no spouse or children, play with a neighbor, visit a nursing home, so many options!  Today's sugar is playing with a person, a person you can see and touch.  Could be as simple as Go Fish, as long as Monopoly, or as fun as Blink.  Just find a friend and play a game!  Enjoy your lemonade!