Find the Sugar

We have at least heard it, if we haven't said it ourselves..... "Easier said than done".  I feel that way today.  I was very good about staying away from the computer and focusing on my family.  Today my younger daughter and I worked all day on a pinata for her birthday party tomorrow.  Let me tell you, if you ever want to make one, plan ahead and do it a week in advance!  Anyway, I spent time with my daughters most of the day while still getting a lot done around the house (it is amazing what you can do without games to get in the way!).  I was calm, relaxed and enjoying the day until hubby arrived him.  I understand he is sick and things are hard for him, but frusterating builds in me as he sleeps on the couch while I continue working.  And one sentence always sets me off "I don't know what you want me to do"....really, all the lists I make, all the things you know that need to get done and you don't have a clue as to what to do....really?!?!?!?  This is an area I need to work on and it will be part of my "Today's Sugar" for tomorrow.  Stay tuned!  It's hot today, so enjoy that Lemonade!

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