Find the Sugar

Well to be honest, clutter rules my life.  I spend more time dealing with clutter than I do playing with my children or sewing or do anything else that I enjoy.  Where did it come from?  Well some from yard sales, some from family members, some from my childhood, some from freecycle, and some from thrift shops and stores.  Do I need it all?  Probably not.  Why do I still have it?  I can't stand the thought of getting rid of something.  I have given things away on freecycle and then after they are gone stressed and dealt with nightmares that it is gone.  This sounds crazy, but it is how things are.  Later today my older daughter and I are going to clean out the "toy room" and turn it into a craft and sewing room and a storage space for my business materials.  It is an odd shaped room, with limited space, but I think it will work.  The problem....too much stuff is currently stored in there.  I want to say that I will get rid of it all to make the room functional, but I don't think that is going to happen.  I will probably move it to another room, which I will then have to clean.  I'm the daughter of a hoarder and the mother of a young hoarder.  The goal is to find a "cure".  It is a process, but one that I know will end in happiness.  I know I will never be happy moving stuff from room to room to room to room.  

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